US 1969 Douglas Fir ; 11th Int. Botanical Congress 6c. Scott. 1376

US 1969 Douglas Fir ; 11th Int. Botanical Congress 6c. Scott. 1376

Series: Botanical Congress Issue

Stamp details: Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Issued date: 23-08-1969 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: 6c.

Emission: Commemorative
Watermark: No Watermark

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 1376
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 1363
Michel (Germany): 986
Yvert et Tellier (France): 879

Dimensions (height x width):
25mm x 40mm

Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Print Method: Giori Press

Stamp Colors: Multicolored
Perforation: Perf 11 x 11

Themes: Plants

Total print: 159,195,000 (estimate)

Description:- The Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an evergreen conifer species in the pine family, Pinaceae. It is native to western North America and is also known as Douglas-fir, Douglas spruce, Oregon pine, and Columbian pine. There are three varieties: coast Douglas-fir (P. menziesii var. menziesii), Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir (P. menziesii var. glauca) and Mexican Douglas-fir (P. menziesii var. lindleyana). Despite its common names, it is not a true fir (genus Abies), spruce (genus Picea), or pine (genus Pinus). It is also not a hemlock; the genus name Pseudotsuga means "false hemlock".