US 2015 Charlie Brown Christmas ; Imperf. Se-tenant 49c.x10 Scott. 5030c

US 2015 Charlie Brown Christmas ; Imperf. Se-tenant 49c.x10 Scott. 5030c

Series: Christmas 2015 - Charlie Brown

Stamp details: Charlie Brown Christmas

Issued date: 01-10-2015 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: 49c.x10
(FOREVER º - No Face Value)

Emission: Commemorative
Watermark: No Watermark

Format: Se-tenant

First Day City: Santa Rosa, California at the Charles M. Schulz Museum

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 5030c
Michel (Germany): 5200BB-5209B

Printer: Banknote Corporation of America for Sennett Security Products (SSP)

Printing Method: Offset printing in double-sided booklets 20

Stamp Colors: Multicolor

Perforation: Imperforate

Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Christmas, Cartoon, Comics, Snow, Tree, Dog, Animals

Note: Initial value US$0.49 each stamp on day of issue.

Description:- Charles ‘Charlie’ Brown is the principal character of the comic strip Peanuts, syndicated in daily and Sunday newspapers in numerous countries all over the world. Depicted as a "lovable loser," Charlie Brown is one of the great American archetypes and a popular and widely recognized cartoon character. Charlie Brown is characterized as a person who frequently suffers, and as a result, is usually nervous and lacks self-confidence. He shows both pessimistic and optimistic attitudes: on some days, he is apprehensive to even go outside because his day might just be spoiled, but on others, he hopes for the best and tries as much as he can to accomplish things. He is easily recognized by his trademark zigzag patterned shirt.