US 2020 California Lady's Slipper Orchid 55c. Scott. 5446

US 2020 California Lady's Slipper Orchid 55c. Scott. 5446

Series: Wild Orchids (2020)

Stamp details: California Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium californicum)

Issued date: 21-02-2020 (dd/mm/yyyy)

Face value: 55c.
(FOREVER º - No Face Value)

Emission: Definitive

Format: PSA Double-sided booklet of 20

First Day City: Coral Gables, Florida

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 5446
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 6050
Michel (Germany): 5674BDo
Yvert et Tellier (France): 5294
Unificato (Italy): 5833

Dimensions (height x width):
30.25mm x 23.1mm

Designers: Ethel Kessler (designer) ; Jim Fowler (photographer)

Printer: Banknote Corporation of America

Printing Method: Offset

Stamp Colors: Multicolored

Perforation: Serpentine Die Cut 11 x 10¾

Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Flowers, Orchids, Plants

Total print: 50,000,000 (estimate)

Note: Face value US$0.55 on day of issue.

Description:- Cypripedium californicum, the California lady's slipper, is a member of the orchid genus Cypripedium, the lady's slipper orchids, native to the western United States. It often grows in very large clumps and each stem can bear up to 21 flowers. It can grow to be up to over a meter in height and has alternate, plicate leaves the length of the stem. The petals and sepals tend to be greenish-brown while the small pouch is pure white with occasional pink spots.